How to Buy Ad Space in the 50 Years
of Grace Celebration Program
Thank you for your interest in supporting Grace through the purchase of an ad!
Step 1: Review ad sizes/pricing options below and choose an ad size. Click on the image for a larger view.
Step 2: Create your ad to the specifications listed in your chosen ad size. Scanning a business card or other promotional piece already in print is the easiest way to get the message you want. If you have questions or need assistance in setting up your ad, email Anita Lewis-Sewell at thelighthouseroad@bex.net or call Grace with your questions: 419-248-2467
Step 3: E-mail your copy ready ad to Anita Lewis-Sewell at thelighthouseroad@bex.net by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 11.
Step 4: Anita will confirm that your ad has a place reserved in the program, and request payment. You may use the PayPal portal reached by clicking "DONATE" at the top of this page, or mail a check made out to Grace Community Center, with the words “Program Ad Purchase” on the memo line.